ph: ?
my ayiana is catnapping beside me :)
i wrote this for her last summer.
If you look closely, you will see
Her arms stretching across the sky;
Her sweet smiles covered in grey.
Lake of the sky, fall not below the ocean line
Deep blue, you hold no reflection.
You drop mirrors, caress the earth with dusk feathers.
Hidden shards of glass, step lightly.
Colour shot across the sky
Running in lines, through her veins
Liquid colour, rush of noise.
An endless chase, never to reach her side;
She runs, quicksilver static remaining ever still.
Light, reach not through
For fear she dissolves into grey sheets of down
Undo her charm, radiance dead.
Leaving not a trace of her memory
As if it never once were
That her arms stretched across the sky;
Her sweet smiles faded into grey.