hier, j'ai passé la soirée à regarder des films français et à écouter la musique d'édith piaf <3

these past three weeks have been truly testing my skills as an art history student. i honestly don't understand how i have been getting each essay done, and studying for every exam. it's like i've been stuck in some strange dream state, unaffected by time. i have, however, learnt a lot about myself as a student, and i am truly having an exceptionally inspiring year at school. i am simply in love with art history!

last weekend i went to see my aiyana's dance performance. she was showing a piece she had choreographed, called spectre innocence. it was perfectly beautiful, and i am so unbelievably proud of her! i was so happy to see her creation come to life, and to see her dancing.
This is why we're friends ♥