Saturday 24 December 2011

he smiles at the moon like he knows her

(ph: sarah bella's tumblr - dalliance3)

a snowy christmas eve. who could ask for more?
bright city lights; i miss you. the country's silence is outstaying its welcome.

listening to:
regina spektor - the call


  1. a big city girl in the counntry, huh?
    sounds like a fish out of water kinda deal.
    i was reading your profile and saw you sometimes wish you were a boy.
    i sometimes wish i was a girl.
    wouldn't it be cool if we could trade places
    for a day?
    i bet it would be a life altering experience.
    my friend emily when asked on a dating site what the most personal thing she could divulge was wrote: "i sometimes wonder what it would be like to be a guy so much that i think i am one and have lost my penis in a freak accident." i thought that was really funny. her religiously conservative mother, who found her on the site, did not.
    take care.

  2. thanks for the comment!
    actually, it is the other way around. i'm a country girl in the big city :) it's been quite a change, but i'm growing quite attached to the fast-paced life around me! this holiday season, it was actually hard for me to spend 2 weeks away from the city!
    i'd love to live one day in the life of a boy. i think it would be such a cool thing to do, and i would surely learn so much about the mysterious male gender lol. definitely a life altering experience! your friend's story is quite humorous :P i'm glad there are other people out there who have the same silly thoughts as me :)
