Monday 29 October 2012

Sunday 14 October 2012

it's you, it's you, it's all for you

(ph: eternityonwings tumblr)

slept in. trying to catch up on lost sleep, but i hate feeling like i've wasted so much of my day.
spending the afternoon studying. i'll admit i've been a less-than-great student these past couple weeks...

(ph: ?)

aiyana is off for an afternoon of dance rehearsals. aiyana has become a different aiyana than before, and new adventures are beginning.

listening to...
lana del rey - summertime sadness

Monday 24 September 2012

what honest words she can't afford to say

(ph: ?)

wishing i was a mermaid.
there is something so scary about being so vulnerable; and on most days, filled with the unknown, not even realizing it for a second.

listening to...
soap & skin - cynthia

Wednesday 22 August 2012

see how they resemble one another

 (ph: somwhere in the tumblr world)

aujourd'hui ma petite soeur a vingt ans. pour sa fête, j'ai préparé des petits gateaux avec des fraises et de la crème fouetée. 
i will always love spending these few years living so close to my sister, being able to run over to her place with everyday snacks, fresh garden vegetables, and birthday surprises.

 listening to...
collective soul - the world i know 

Saturday 11 August 2012

she could sing to shipmen

(ph: siimplycali.xanga)

 spending the most perfect rainy day painting my nails and watching the sappiest of movies, because sometimes a girl's just gotta be. kitten is distraught at the rain hitting the window pane.

this week, aiyana and i are going to my highschool friend's wedding. it's officially hit me that we're all growing up <3 it's just happening so quickly...

listening to...
death cab for cutie - the ice is getting thinner 

Wednesday 11 July 2012

ships and sailors caught in glass bottles

(ph: eredel)

i am fairly certain i have lost all talent for drawing. my stick people aren't even up to par. what on earth am i becoming.

listening to...
america - sister golden hair 

Wednesday 27 June 2012

talking loud, not saying much

(ph: precipice taken by aria evans for my aiyana's dance performance)

today is my day off and i am spending it baking and studying. the light coming through my windows is a dull grey one, but i am enjoying the calm, sleepy tone of it and hoping this cool weather continues for a while (but who am i kidding; this is canada). for now, it's a perfect day to munch on banana oat muffins and hide behind a book. i presently have a sleepy kitten curled up on my lap and it's so cute to watch her ears and paws twitch!

listening to...
the swell season - when your mind's made up

Friday 1 June 2012

these little black sandals

(photo: ?)

there has been torrential rain all day in toronto. i had an interview this morning and arrived at my destination soaked to the skin! umbrellas don't stand a chance in this wind! unfortunately, it is appearing that our poor garden is stuck in an epic battle against the elements. lily-kitten is distraught at being kept indoors. 

it's a movie and books with tea kind of day.

listening to...
yaël naïm - toxic

Wednesday 30 May 2012

tous les garçons et les filles

(ph: wildfox tumblr)

yesterday, my best bud turned 21! so happy birthday to my pome :)

tomorrow, aiyana finally returns. i cannot wait! i guess i should clean this messy apartment... 

listening to...
lykke li - paris blue

Sunday 27 May 2012

i left my girl back home

(ph: flickr)

a small glimpse into my world and what i love... 

summer may be here, but i've been having fun catching up on my studies. call me crazy, but i just love medieval art that much. i've been working on an essay for a class next year with the help of my prof; the subject of which is holyrood abbey (12th century, scotland). although much of the abbey church has been destroyed, i find such beauty in the leftover pieces, and there is a mystery to the architecture that tempts my heart and piques at my curiosity...

(ph: flickr)

okay, so these pictures have definitely been retouched. but the stone really has taken on various shades of mossy greens and aging purples. some artsy character just got a little carried away with the colour saturation. because i like prettily coloured things, i'll find it in my heart to forgive them ;)

on another note, i cannot wait to finish up my bachelor so i may tackle my graduate studies in the magnificent united kingdom. to imagine being so close to such architecture makes my heart sing! 

listening to...
mogwai - take me somewhere nice 

Saturday 26 May 2012

et si j'étais tout simplement...

(ph: eredel on deviantart)

il me semble que j'aurais bientôt un emploi d'été! j'aimerais bien travailler dans les champs encore cette année... 

missing my aiyana already <3 i think i'm going to take up drawing again; it's been too long.

listening to...
antony and the johnsons - flétta (ft. björk) 

Tuesday 22 May 2012

sparkle & fade

(ph: ?)

summer is officially here and my days are spent exploring the streets of downtown. hearing my best friend talk about her summery days in the country has me nostalgic and longing to be in glengarry with her.

home soon?

listening to...
coeur de pirate - saint-laurent 

Sunday 13 May 2012

catching diamonds in my pockets

(ph: lissy elle photography)

discovered an amazingly talented photographer yesterday, lissy elle. i love finding new artists. 

this week, aiyana and i have a friend from england staying with us! she is just like a traveling gypsy girl, and she's a lot of fun to have around.

 (ph: lissy elle photography)

today, i finally have found the time to catch up with an old friend who moved all the way from croatia. we're doing what we do best today - late afternoon brunch. i have missed my buddy <3 

happy mother's day! <3 je t'aime beaucoup maman xo

listening to...
the staves - mexico

Saturday 12 May 2012

give me a cigarette

(ph: ?)

so much sun. i cannot wait for aiyana to get back so we can wander around the city, garage-saleing <3

listening to...
bill withers - ain't no sunshine 

Wednesday 2 May 2012

i was a boy, i was a tender age

(ph: ?)

21 years today. uneven numbers are just so comfortable.
i'm wishing for a rainstorm tonight for an excuse to cuddle up with a cup of tea and pride & prejudice.

listening to...
metallic falcons - pale dog

Sunday 29 April 2012

stone-washed jeans and bloody knees

(ph: dalliance3.tumblr, sarah belle)

aiyana has been growing a garden filled with so many fresh vegetables and beautiful flowers. it's so fun to see her as excited as a child... it's her first garden!

i spent my sunday morning reading in bed with my kitten curled up in the slice of morning sunshine that spread across the covers. now, i'm off to help my sister unpack and decorate her new apartment! it's so nice to have her living just a short walk down the road from me.

listening to...
the figurines - the air we breathe

Saturday 28 April 2012

denim blue faded up to the sky

(ph: cocorosie finally came out with new stuff. only 2 years late.)

so, why is it so hard to find a job in this large city?

either way, i am glad summer is finally here. i am excited to be spending it working alongside my favourite prof on all things involving medieval art. aiyana teases that i am hermione granger. i'm just head over heels inlove with my major is all!
lately i've been baking a lot and listening to the hippy music i grew up with. i've also been reading a lot of favourite hand-me-down books that my dear mother has passed on to me. i feel like a 20 year-old version of my mommy and it makes me miss her very much <3

listening to...
cat stevens - oh very young

Saturday 7 April 2012

everyday it will rain

(ph: vogue france)

my favourite things...
turquoise robin eggs
dreams of flying
chatty kittens
warm, sunny spots on wooden floorboards
pantries filled with jars of everything
colourful crayons
wooden tree swings
baby tummies
french grammar
sending letters
warm chai tea
re-reading favourite books
medieval art
things found in the attic
old family pictures

listening to...
simon & garfunkel - me and julio down by the school yard

Saturday 18 February 2012

tu m'as volé ce qu'il reste de l'été

(ph: mllerega)

tomorrow, i leave for florida. i'm excited to see the sun after all these snowy toronto days. exams are over, but it seems a group of essays looking to be started will be following me on my trip, notably the one on albert camus' novel, la peste. i have to admit, i'm not a big fan of his depressing work. i do, however, appreciate being immersed into french literature once more, since i haven't been keeping up my french as well as i wished i had since highschool. it's hard in such an anglophone city, and my aiyana knows very little, but i am slowly teaching her. she loves to sing coeur de pirate songs, even if she has no clue what she is saying!

i'm going to miss my lily-kitten while i'm gone...

listening to...
coeur de pirate - cap diamant

Sunday 12 February 2012

you know what they say about the young

(ph: joelle)

i'm spending my sunday baking and cleaning, wearing a pretty apron and listening to music! as fun as it is, i know later i'll have to study for psychology...
for now, i'm content skyping my mommy as we roam through her kitchen treasures looking for anything i need for mine and aiyana's apartment. it's like shopping at the bestest antique store! i'm so lucky to have her as my mother <3

(ph: joelle)

it has been snowing for the past 3 days in toronto. such a change from the muddy grass that could be seen before. snow just isn't the same without christmas around the corner, so i'm not sure i welcome it... i can't wait for summertime

listening to...
rusted root - send me on my way

Saturday 4 February 2012

water too deep

(ph: personal)

for the days passed beneath the sun, wild colours on warpainted faces, threatening to disappear with the stars.

listening to...
neon indian - polish girl

Tuesday 31 January 2012

alabama, arkansas

(ph: joelleeeee)

why is today not a good day? all i want to do is sip tea all day, cuddle my lily-kitten and escape into a book. neither of these things are going to happen...

listening to:
the pierces - three wishes

Sunday 29 January 2012

un soir qui m'a rendue bien triste

(ph: joelle)

do you ever have those nights where you're not sure what you would like to do, or where you would like to be, but you are just not doing what you would like to, or being where you would love to be? it's been a gray sunday, and it just got dark too soon, and i am restless.

(ph: joelle)
yesterday, i had an amazing day gallery crawling with a friend and a few of her classmates. i saw so much wonderful art, met so many amazing canadian artists, and even visited some of their living spaces! it was a truly exceptional experience to see what it is like to truly live in the art world, past school. i was surprised at myself for finding such inspiration in the many contemporary works which i was drawn to throughout the day. it was nice to step outside of my classical art comfort-zone and wander naively into a new world of thought.

listening to:
coeur de pirate - place de la république

Sunday 1 January 2012

these dreams under my pillow

(ph: an old forever21 picture from their site)

today, i leave the country behind. the quiet has been nice, but i am excited to return to the excitement of the city, and my cute little apartment. happy new year everyone!

(ph: loochiferblackwell's tumblr)

i feel this is every student's secret resolution. maybe i'll try and make something of it for my upcoming semester...

listening to...
oh land - white nights