Sunday 27 May 2012

i left my girl back home

(ph: flickr)

a small glimpse into my world and what i love... 

summer may be here, but i've been having fun catching up on my studies. call me crazy, but i just love medieval art that much. i've been working on an essay for a class next year with the help of my prof; the subject of which is holyrood abbey (12th century, scotland). although much of the abbey church has been destroyed, i find such beauty in the leftover pieces, and there is a mystery to the architecture that tempts my heart and piques at my curiosity...

(ph: flickr)

okay, so these pictures have definitely been retouched. but the stone really has taken on various shades of mossy greens and aging purples. some artsy character just got a little carried away with the colour saturation. because i like prettily coloured things, i'll find it in my heart to forgive them ;)

on another note, i cannot wait to finish up my bachelor so i may tackle my graduate studies in the magnificent united kingdom. to imagine being so close to such architecture makes my heart sing! 

listening to...
mogwai - take me somewhere nice 

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