Sunday, 13 July 2014

godless heathens always waltz on the sky

(ph: ?)

creeping around while he gets high,
it might not be something you would do.
but you haven't seen my man...

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

tell me life is beautiful; they all think i have it all

(ph: still from blue valentine, end credits)

i'm not sure what happened, but i have been trying unsuccessfully to convince myself that it all really happened. it's not what i want. but it's what he needs. i literally don't know what in the world is happening without him. i mean, it's been a week filled with learning for me: i realize girl time is much needed (you'd think that was obvious, but being with someone for a long time makes you forget...), and that there are things i need to just let go of. opinions about stuff, mostly. so i know it's been good. and i'm thankful, in a strange way. but in the end, i wish so much that things were different. but i guess, we broke up. 

Sunday, 5 January 2014

freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose

(ph: raquel welch)

just a regular sunday, spent with my nose in a book, eating a bowl of vegetable soup. it's snowing like crazy outside, and i'm glad i don't have to go anywhere. i don't want classes to start just yet, but they are unavoidable. nevada soon?

journey - faithfully