(ph: joelleeeee)
why is today not a good day? all i want to do is sip tea all day, cuddle my lily-kitten and escape into a book. neither of these things are going to happen...
listening to:
the pierces - three wishes
(ph: joelle)
do you ever have those nights where you're not sure what you would like to do, or where you would like to be, but you are just not doing what you would like to, or being where you would love to be? it's been a gray sunday, and it just got dark too soon, and i am restless.
(ph: joelle)
yesterday, i had an amazing day gallery crawling with a friend and a few of her classmates. i saw so much wonderful art, met so many amazing canadian artists, and even visited some of their living spaces! it was a truly exceptional experience to see what it is like to truly live in the art world, past school. i was surprised at myself for finding such inspiration in the many contemporary works which i was drawn to throughout the day. it was nice to step outside of my classical art comfort-zone and wander naively into a new world of thought.
listening to:
coeur de pirate - place de la république
(ph: an old forever21 picture from their site)
today, i leave the country behind. the quiet has been nice, but i am excited to return to the excitement of the city, and my cute little apartment. happy new year everyone!
(ph: loochiferblackwell's tumblr)
i feel this is every student's secret resolution. maybe i'll try and make something of it for my upcoming semester...
listening to...
oh land - white nights